
Trend Chart on Innovative Bioindustries April 12th

Trend Chart on Innovative Bioindustries April 12th FEATURE STORY ● Sirnaomics releases positive interim data from phase II Trial of siRNA candidate studies Sirnaomics, a US-China RNAi therapeutics company, reported on April 9th positive interim results from a Phase II trial of its RNA treatment for non-melanoma skin cancer. STP705…..

Trend Chart On Innovative BioIndustries – November 7th, 2019

FEATURE STORY ● The Alliance for Regenerative Medicine outlines recommendations to increase the number of European-based ATMP clinical trials GENE THERAPY ● Long-term correction of copper metabolism in WD mice with AAV8 vector delivering truncated ATP7b ● Enhancing the therapeutic potentiel of sulfamidase for the treatment of MPSIIIA DISRUPTIVE TECHNOLOGIES…..