

Date: 2016-10-14

Type of information: Granting of the orphan status in the EU

Product name: SGT-001 - adeno-associated viral vector differentially expressing microdystrophin 5 gene via the muscle-specific promoter CK8

Compound: adeno-associated viral vector differentially expressing microdystrophin 5 gene via the muscle-specific promoter CK8

Therapeutic area: Rare diseases - Genetic diseases - Neuromuscular diseases

Action mechanism:

gene therapy

Company: Solid GT (USA - MA)


Duchenne muscular dystrophy

Latest news:

* On October 24, 2016, Solid Biosciences and its subsidiary, Solid GT, announced that the FDA and the European Commission have granted Orphan Drug designations for SGT-001, for the treatment of patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). Solid plans to initiate clinical studies for SGT-001 in 2017.


* On 6-8 September, 2016, the Committee for Orphan Medicinal Products (COMP) has recommended the granting of an orphan designation for recombinant adeno-associated viral vector encoding a human micro-dystrophin gene under the control of a muscle specific promoter for treatment of Duchenne muscular dystrophy.

* On August 31, 2016, the FDA has granted orphan drug designation for  SGT-001 (adeno-associated viral vector differentially expressing microdystrophin 5 gene via the muscle-specific promoter CK8) for the treatment of Duchenne muscular dystrophy.


Submission of marketing authorization application USA :

Submission of marketing authorization application UE:

Withdrawal of marketing authorization application USA:

Withdrawal of marketing authorization application UE:

US authorization:

UE authorization:

Favourable opinion UE:

Favourable opinion USA:

Orphan status USA: 2016-08-31

Orphan status UE: 2016-10-14

Pediatric exclusivit _USA:

Pediatric exclusivity UE:

OTC status:

Other news:

Is general: Yes