
Mergers and Acquisitions

Date: 2013-03-11

Type of information: Company acquisition

Acquired company: EMF Consulting (France)

Acquiring company: PhinC Development (France)

Amount: undisclosed


PhinC Development, a company providing pharmacometrics and drug development support to biotechnology companies, has announced the acquisition of EMF Consulting, a world-leading provider of pharmacometric services. This acquisition was conceived as a partnership  between the two entities. PhinC Development and Consulting EMF will gradually integrate their respective skills. 
This operation will allow PhinC Development to expand its business and expertise, including its modeling and simulation techniques and services, in the later phases of drug development. The company is now able to establish pharmacometrics throughout drug development, from the preclinical phase to phase IV.


EMF Consulting is a pioneer in the field of pharmacometrics and related services in drug development. The company was founded in 2000 by Eliane Time, xpert modeling & simulation applied to clinical research and very involved in the development of this discipline in Europe.


drug development services

Is general: Yes