
Mergers and Acquisitions

Date: 2013-03-01

Type of information: Company acquisition

Acquired company: Encap Drug Delivery (UK)

Acquiring company: Capsugel (USA)

Amount: undisclosed


Capsugel has acquired Encap Drug Delivery. Based in Scotland, Encap’s focus on liquid and semi-solid encapsulation-based product development, and clinical and commercial manufacturing for the pharmaceutical industry. These capabilities complement Capsugel’s recently-established Dosage Form Solutions (DFS) business unit which develops and manufactures innovative products for the healthcare industry.


Encap operates an FDA and MHRA inspected pharmaceutical product development and manufacturing site, is equipped to handle high potency active ingredients, and has established a clinical fast-track program that can speed the process from lab to clinic. Additionally, Encap’s proprietary targeted release technologies (DuoCap™ and ENCODE®) and abuse deterrence technologies (Abusolve®) will add to Capsugel’s growing suite of offerings in these areas.
Capsugel DFS’s lipid-based technology platform currently includes proprietary Licaps® liquid-filled capsules, softgels, solid-lipid pellets, and a lipid formulation software system aimed at accelerating lipid-based product development for customers. The business unit’s emerging targeted release technology platform includes specialized capsules that enable different types and levels of controlled release delivery.


drug services
drug delivery

Is general: Yes