
Clinical Trials

Date: 2012-11-06

Type of information:

phase: preclinical data

Announcement: results

Company: Kancera (Sweden)

Product: PFKFB3 inhibiting compounds

Action mechanism: Blocking the mechanisms that enable cancer cells to overcome periods of hypoxia (oxygen deficiency) may pave the way for new treatment strategies. The project is based on a specific inhibition of the enzyme PFKFB3 resulting in decreased metabolism and cell growth in hypoxic cancer environments. Inhibition of PFKFB3 is expected to starve and weaken the tumor cells by reducing its glycolysis and cell division. In this way one can overcome the current problems with tumor resistance to radiation and chemotherapy.

Disease: pancreatic cancer

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology


Trial details:

Latest news: Kancera has reported that the company\'s first generation of PFKFB3 inhibiting compounds reduces growth of pancreatic cancer in a pre-clinical animal study. The objective of Kancera’s PFKFB project is to weaken the cancer by diminishing the supply of energy. The first generation of Kancera’s PFKFB inhibiting compounds was selected for testing in two animal studies showing that the substances are effectively distributed in the body and are well tolerated.
In an initial preclinical study, a convincing effect was not achieved in an animal model for human colon cancer. Additional animal studies, which were designed based on the results from the initial study results, have demonstrated reduced growth of a tumor originating from pancreatic cancer in humans. The reduction of tumor growth generated by Kancera’s first generation of PFKFB inhibitors was 20% as compared to placebo treatment.
Next step for the project is to further improve PFKFB inhibitors drug properties and evaluate the effect on tumor growth in combination with standard therapy for pancreatic cancer. However, the company \"gives priority to the company\'s ROR projects and further development of the PFKFB-project will be resumed once adequate funding has been secured, \"said Thomas Olin, CEO.

Is general: Yes