
Clinical Trials

Date: 2012-11-03

Type of information:

phase: 3

Announcement: identification of predictive markers for pancreatic cancer survival associated with masitinib treatment

Company: Skuldtech (France) AB Science (France)

Product: masitinib

Action mechanism:

Disease: pancreatic cancer

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology


Trial details:

Latest news: Skuldtech and AB Science have announced the identification of new set of blood markers predictive of a higher survival rate in pancreatic cancer patients. These markers have been discovered during a phase III clinical trial investigating the therapeutic efficiency of AB Science’s masitinib. These newly-discovered biological markers will pave the way for market authorization of a companion diagnostic test associated with this drug. The test developed by Skuldtech will identify patients most likely to benefit from this new treatment.
From a simple drop of blood, Skuldtech and AB Science were able to identify specific markers – transcriptomic markers – that can distinguish between the different populations treated during the phase III study and select the predictive markers for pancreatic cancer survival associated with masitinib treatment.
These predictive markers for survival associated with masitinib treatment and identified in this phase III clinical trial are the joint property of AB Science and Skuldtech. Patents have been filed to protect the markers, which are also associated with the masitinib Marketing Authorization Application already filed with regulatory authorities by AB Science. When masitinib obtains market authorization for treating pancreatic cancer, AB Science will retain 100% of the rights related to masitinib.

Is general: Yes