
Clinical Trials

Date: 2012-10-30

Type of information:

phase: 2

Announcement: dosing of the first patient

Company: Orexo (Sweden)

Product: OX51

Action mechanism: OX51 is a sublingual formulation of alfentanil, based on the leading sublingual delivery technology developed by Orexo. The quick onset, short duration, rapid offset and convenient administration of OX51 make it suitable for prevention of pain during a multitude of procedures.

Disease: prevention of procedure-induced pain

Therapeutic area: CNS diseases

Country: Europe

Trial details: The Swedish specialty pharmaceutical company Orexo has announced the start of the dose finding study for OX51 in patients undergoing prostate biopsy. Results from the study, which is a European study enrolling approximately 200 patients, will be available during the first half of 2013.
The dose finding study will enable Orexo to decide the best possible development strategy for phase III, which the company expects to communicate during first half of 2013 once the trial has been completed.

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Is general: Yes