
Clinical Trials

Date: 2012-09-19

Type of information: Completion of patient enrollment

phase: 1-2

Announcement: completion of patient enrolment

Company: Gamida Cell (Israel)

Product: NiCord® (expanded cell graft derived from an entire unit of umbilical cord blood enriched with stem cells)

Action mechanism:

Disease: acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology

Country: USA

Trial details:

The clinical trial announced here  (NCT01221857) is studying NiCord as an alternative investigational treatment for hematological malignancies (HM). A combined total of 11 patients were transplanted at Duke University Medical Center and at Loyola University Medical Center.  Dr. Mitchell E. Horwitz of Duke University Medical Center is the principal investigator. As the Phase I/II trial for hematological malignancies is a first in man safety and efficacy study, for this stage, NiCord was transplanted with a second un-manipulated cord blood unit in a double cord blood configuration.

Latest news:

Gamida Cell, a leader in adult stem cell expansion technologies and products, has announced  that it has completed enrollment for a Phase I/II clinical trial of NiCord®, the company’s second pipeline product.
NiCord® is in development as an experimental treatment for a series of indications that potentially could be cured with a bone marrow transplantation including hematological malignancies (blood cancer), sickle cell disease, thalassemia, severe autoimmune diseases and metabolic diseases.  T  Final results of the Phase I/II study are expected within 6 months. 

Is general: Yes