
Clinical Trials

Date: 2012-08-17

Type of information:

phase: 1

Announcement: initiation of a phase 1 study

Company: AstraZeneca (UK) Cancer Research UK (UK) Oxford University (UK)

Product: AZD8931

Action mechanism: AZD8931 works by blocking a family of proteins called erbB which are found on the surface of cancer cells in the oesophagus and stomach. The erbB proteins tell cancer cells to carry on dividing. Turning off this signal will help kill the cancer cells.

Disease: advanced oesophago-gastric cancer

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology

Country: UK

Trial details: The trial will investigate whether combining the experimental drug AZD8931 with existing chemotherapy drugs, called oxalipatin and capecitabine, is more effective than treatment with chemotherapy alone.

Latest news: Cancer Research UK’s Drug Development Office (DDO), in collaboration with academia and industry, has announced a new trial to open in Oxford.  The trial will test an experimental drug from AstraZeneca in patients with advanced oesophago-gastric cancer. The Phase I national trial is the second study to open through the Experimental Cancer Medicine Centre (ECMC) Combinations Alliance initiative, which launched last year to run trials of the newest and most exciting combinations of cancer medicine for UK patients.
Cancer Research UK’s DDO is working in partnership with AstraZeneca and the ECMC network to provide strategic oversight and funding to the trial. AstraZeneca is providing the investigational drug AZD8931 and additional funding. Oxford University is sponsoring and managing the trial with support from the Oxford NIHR Biomedical Research Centre.

Is general: Yes