
Clinical Trials

Date: 2012-06-29

Type of information:


Announcement: achievement of a research milestone

Company: Selvita (Poland) Orion (Finland)

Product: SEL103 program

Action mechanism: Selvita’s SEL103 program is based on novel, orally bioavailable and highly selective small-molecules which have the potential to play role in the treatment of multiple cognitive disorders, including Alzheimer’s disease, dementias...

Disease: Alzheimer’s disease

Therapeutic area: Neurodegenerative diseases


Trial details:

Latest news: Selvita, a biotechnology company from Krakow, Poland has announced that its collaboration with Orion Corporation from Espoo, Finland (ORNBV) on SEL103 program, for the symptomatic treatment of Alzheimer’s disease has reached the main research milestone. The jointly discovered molecules from two different chemical families will now progress into further pre-clinical characterization before the selection of a candidate into development.

Selvita and Orion have entered into a global collaboration with the aim to discover, develop and commercialize SEL103, Selvita’s proprietary program for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease and other cognitive disorders in 2010. Selvita is responsible for early research on the program and Orion will take over the pre-clinical and clinical development as well as further commercialization.

Is general: Yes