
Clinical Trials

Date: 2011-09-06

Type of information: Initiation of the trial

phase: 1

Announcement: initiation

Company: Noxxon Pharma (Germany)

Product: lexapeptid pegol (NOX-H94)

Action mechanism:

Lexapeptid pegol (NOX-H94) is a Spiegelmer® (chemically synthesized, non-immunogenic alternative to antibodies) designed to treat anemia of chronic disease by targeting the peptide hormone hepcidin, the keyregulator of iron metabolism. Hepcidin is up-regulated by acute and chronic inflammatory reactions resulting in “iron restriction”, which means that iron is blocked inside cellular stores and not available for hemoglobin synthesis1. This is in contrast to “iron deficiency”, in which iron stores are depleted.


anemia of chronic diseases as infections, cancers, autoimmune diseases and chronic kidney disease

Therapeutic area: Infectious diseases - Hematological diseases - Cancer - Oncology - Autoimmune diseases - Kidney diseases


Trial details:

Subjects will first be administered escalating single doses of NOX-H94 and will then be tested with multiple doses. Both the intravenous and sub-cutaneous routes of administration will be tested. The primary objective of the study is to assess the safety and tolerability of NOX-H94 with a secondary objective to test pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic responses to the compound.

Latest news:

Noxxon Pharma has announced the initiation of a Phase I clinical trial for NOX-H94, the Company’s third compound to enter the clinic.

Is general: Yes