
Clinical Trials

Date: 2012-06-08

Type of information:

phase: 2

Announcement: initiation

Company: Glycotope (Germany)

Product: FSH-GEX™ (glycooptimized follicle-stimulating hormone)

Action mechanism:

Disease: in vitro fertilisation
FSH treatment of female infertility

Therapeutic area: Gynecology - Women's health


Trial details:

Latest news:

The German biotech company GLYCOTOPE has moved its glycooptimized therapeutic protein FSH-GEX™ into Phase 2 of clinical development in in-vitro fertilisation.
FSH-GEX™ is based on Glycotope’s unique and proprietary GlycoExpress™ platform of glycooptimized human cell lines. The follicle-stimulating hormone FSH-GEX™ is produced recombinantly with a fully human and optimized glycolysation. Phase I studies of FSH-GEX™ (single dose escalation, multiple dose escalation) have been successfully completed, showing no toxicity and providing in a direct head-to-head comparison strong signals for highly improved efficacy vs. marketed urinary and recombinant products.

Is general: Yes