
Clinical Trials

Date: 2012-05-23

Type of information: Initiation of preclinical development

phase: 1-2

Announcement: completion

Company: Zytoprotec (Germany)

Product: PD-protec™

Action mechanism:

PD-protec™ is a novel dialysate used in peritoneal dialysis (PD), an established treatment for patients suffering from renal failure. Currently the use of PD is limited as PD fluids inevitably damage the cells in the patient’s abdomen. PD-protec™ includes a compound that is designed to actively protect abdominal cells, improving treatment outcomes. The compound is patent-protected by Zytoprotec.


kidney failure

Therapeutic area: Kidney diseases - Renal diseases


Trial details:

Latest news:

Zytoprotec, a company developing drugs based on active cytoprotection, has announced the completion of a Phase I/II clinical trial with its lead product, PD-protec™. The product is developed to improve the treatment of patients with kidney failure.

This randomized cross-over trial has shown that PD-protec™ is safe and well-tolerated. The trial was also designed to provide biological material to be analyzed for indicators of efficacy and the company is currently processing the samples. Zytoprotec expects to be able to initiate the Phase II trial with PD-protec™ in autumn this year. The company is also in advanced negotiations with a venture fund closely linked to a global pharmaceutical company.

Out of 2 mio patients depending on dialysis, 200,000 are treated with PD. Due to the ageing of the population and a “western” life-style, the number of dialysis patients (including PD) is growing. Improved PD fluids have the potential to significantly expand the proportion of PD within this growing market.


Is general: Yes