
Clinical Trials

Date: 2012-05-02

Type of information: Initiation of preclinical development

phase: preclinical

Announcement: publication of pre-clinical results in Vaccine
Bacterium-like particles supplemented with inactivated influenza antigen induce cross-protective influenza-specific antibody responses through intranasal administration. Aalzen de Haana, Bert Jan Haijemab, Petra Voornb, Tjarko Meijerhofa, Maarten L. van Roosmalenb, Kees Leenhoutsb

Company: Mucosis (The Netherlands)

Product: FluGEM® (mucosal influenza vaccine)

Action mechanism:

FluGEM® is a new Mimopath®-based mucosal influenza vaccine that can be administered through simple droplets in the nose. The Mimopath® technology is based on Lactococcus lactis, a safe bacterium commonly used in the food industry. Mucosis has developed a robust technique to formulate the L. lactis bacteria into non-living bacterium-like particles (BLPs) that can be loaded with antigens from viral, bacterial, parasitic or tumor origin. The antigen-covered BLPs form a vaccine that can be delivered into the nose or mouth, without the need for a needle. These vaccines raise protective immunity by activation of both the innate and the adaptive immune system.


influenza infection

Therapeutic area: Infectious diseases


Trial details:

Latest news:

Mucosis has announced the publication in the peer-reviewed journal Vaccine of preclinical data showing that FluGEM® provides superior cross-protection against influenza virus. According to the report, FluGEM®, a vaccine based on traditional inactivated influenza antigens formulated with bacterium-like particles (BLPs), provided full protection in mice against both homologous and heterologous influenza infection. Moreover, the results show more than 300-fold lower viral titers in the lungs when compared to conventional influenza vaccination. Reduction of viral lung titers more efficiently protects against disease, but may also result in decreased viral shedding, thereby increasing herd immunity. The data demonstrate that Mucosis’ unique Mimopath® technology can be used to develop needle-free vaccines that are more efficacious than conventional vaccines.
Mucosis will continue to develop the FluGEM® vaccine candidate in cooperation with corporate, governmental and non-governmental partners.


Is general: Yes