
Clinical Trials

Date: 2011-02-21

Type of information:

phase: 1-2a

Announcement: results

Company: Immupharma (UK)

Product: IPP-204106

Action mechanism: IPP-204106 has a dual mechanism of action, acting both in preventing angiogenesis as well as proliferation. IPP-204106 is a nucleolin antagonist, the lead molecule in a family of pseudopeptides designed to block the activity of a protein called nucleolin. Located essentially in the nucleus of normal cells where it is protected, nucleolin is much more abundant (often 30 times more) at the surface of the cells which are proliferating as well as the surface of active endothelial cells where it can be a target for antagonist peptides.

Disease: cancer

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology

Country: France

Trial details:

Latest news: ImmuPharma has announced encouraging results from its ongoing phase I/IIa clinical trial in cancer patients. Around half of the cancer patients that have undergone treatment with ImmuPharma’s drug candidate IPP-204106 are in stable condition (their disease has stopped progressing) without any other drug treatment. All the patients that enrolled in the study were suffering from advanced cancer with metastases and had all failed their previous treatments with other existing cancer drugs.
The third dose level of IPP-204106 has just begun in the next group of patients. ImmuPharma’s clinical trial began last summer and up to now two lower dose levels have been tested. The initial dose level of 1 mg/kg did not show any drug-related side effects. The first patient to be treated in this study is still alive and with stable disease 8 months after starting treatment with ImmuPharma’s cancer compound. The second dose level of 2 mg/kg also did not show any drug-related side effects.
ImmuPharma has already begun development of the next generation of IPP-204106, the “micro Nucants”. This improved formulation comprising of small particles of the drug candidate has shown an even more impressive efficacy in cancer models.
The clinical trial is taking place in two hospitals in Paris and one hospital in Dijon, in France and is expected to complete in the coming months. ImmuPharma hopes to start a Phase IIb programme later this year in patients with glioblastoma (brain tumour), hormone-resistant prostate cancer and pancreatic cancer.

Is general: Yes