
Clinical Trials

Date: 2011-04-14

Type of information:

phase: 1

Announcement: initiation

Company: DCPrime (The Netherlands)

Product: DCOne (dendritic cell-based cancer vaccine)

Action mechanism: therapeutic cancer vaccine

Disease: acute myeloid leukemia

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology

Country: The Netherlands

Trial details: The goal of the open label Phase I trial is to investigate the safety and tolerability of DCPrime’s first therapeutic cancer vaccine in patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML). The candidate vaccine will be administered to twelve AML patients whose immune responses will be closely monitored. The study will be performed at the medical center of the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam (VUmc), under supervision of hematology specialists Prof. Dr. Gert Ossenkoppele and Dr. Arjan van de Loosdrecht.

Latest news:

DCPrime has initiated a clinical study with its first candidate therapeutic cancer vaccine. DCOne is a unique cell line which only DCPrime has access to. The main advantage of the DCOne platform is that it can be used to generate off-the-shelf dendritic cell vaccines for which a scalable manufacturing process has been developed. This platform therefore allows development of therapeutic vaccines for a broad range of cancer types. The platform combines the power of DC-based vaccines with the advantages of allogeneic stimulation of the immune system, and the simple logistics of off-the-shelf products.

Is general: Yes