
Clinical Trials

Date: 2018-09-20

Type of information: Recruitment of the first patient

phase: 1

Announcement: recruitment of the first patient

Company: Onxurion (Belgium)

Product: THR-687

Action mechanism:

  • integrin antagonist. THR-687 is a novel pan-RGD integrin antagonist currently being developed as a potential treatment for patients with diabetic eye disease. Preclinical studies have demonstrated THR-687's role in targeting multiple aspects of retinal vascular disease such as vessel leakage, inflammation, and neovascularization.

Disease: diabetic macular edema

Therapeutic area: Ophtalmological diseases

Country: USA

Trial details:

  • This Phase 1 study (THR-687-001) will primarily assess the safety of a single intravitreal injection of escalating dose levels of THR-687 in patients with DME. A maximum of 18 patients will be enrolled.(NCT03666923)

Latest news:

  • • On September 20, 2018, Oxurion (formerly known as ThromboGenics) announced the enrollment of the first patient in a Phase 1 open-label, multicenter, dose escalation study evaluating the safety of a single intravitreal injection of THR-687 for the treatment of patients with diabetic macula edema (DME).

Is general: Yes