
Clinical Trials

Date: 2018-06-12

Type of information: Publication of results in a medical journal

phase: preclinical

Announcement: publication of results in Scientific Reports

Company: Cellectis (France)

Product: CubiCAR

Action mechanism: CAR-T cell therapy


Therapeutic area:


Trial details:

Latest news:

  • • On June 12, 2018, Cellectis announced the publication of a study in Scientific Reports, a Nature Publishing Group journal, describing the development of the CubiCAR, an all-in-one Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) architecture with an embedded multi-functional tag for purification, detection and elimination of CAR T-cells. This added versatility has the potential to streamline the manufacturing of CAR T-cells to allow their tracking and efficiently eliminate CAR T-cells in clinical settings. “The power and novelty of this technology lies in the integration of these multiple functions in one unique CAR molecule. To identify an optimal CAR architecture, we selected 15 different CAR constructs and evaluated their ability to enable T-cell depletion and promote tumor eradication,” said Julien Valton, Ph.D., Innovation Team Leader of Cellectis. “The development of this novel architecture was in collaboration with our colleagues at Allogene.”

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