
Clinical Trials

Date: 2018-04-13

Type of information: Presentation of results at a congress

phase: preclinical

Announcement: presentation of results at the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting

Company: Medivir (Sweden)

Product: MIV-818

Action mechanism:

  • nucleotide . MIV-818 is a liver-targeted nucleotide prodrug. This project is the first development project to emerge from Medivir’s in-house drug discovery efforts in oncology.

Disease: hepatocellular carcinoma and other liver cancers

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology


Trial details:

Latest news:

  • • On April 13, 2018, Medivir announced the presentation of  preclinical data for MIV-818 during the annual meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR). The presentation describes preclinical efficacy data on the combination of MIV-818 and sorafenib, the only agent approved in the USA as first-line treatment for advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (Abstract). MIV-818 and sorafenib are synergistic in vitro and the combination shows enhanced activity in vivo compared to either agent alone. These results suggest that add-on of MIV-818 to sorafenib may be beneficial for the treatment of HCC MIV-818 is currently in preparation for clinical trials in patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma and other liver cancers.
  • • On January 8, 2018, Medivir announced  the successful completion of the pre-clinical safety studies for MIV-818 to enable the start of phase I clinical trials in 2018. The company now intends to make the necessary regulatory submissions during the first half of 2018, and to start the first clinical trials of MIV-818 during the second half of 2018.

Is general: Yes