
Clinical Trials

Date: 2017-12-05

Type of information: Initiation of development program

phase: preclinical

Announcement: initiation of development program

Company: Oncodesign (France)

Product: MNK1 and MNK2 (MNK1/2) kinase inhibitor discovery program

Action mechanism:

  • MNK1 (MAP kinase-interacting serine/threonine kinase 1) kinase inhibitor /MNK2 (MAP kinase-interacting serine/threonine kinase 2) kinase inhibitor
  • MNK1 (MAP kinase-interacting serine/threonine kinase 1) and MNK2 (MAP kinase-interacting serine/threonine kinase 2) are kinases involved in the precocious gene transcription required for growth and the differentiation of normal cells. Inhibiting the MNK1 and MNK2 kinases curbs deregulation of eIF4e, a protein overexpressed in a large number of cancers and an indicator of a poor prognosis for patients. Their deregulation may lead to resistance to anti-cancer therapies via various mechanisms and diminished anti-tumoral immune response. Conversely, specific inhibitors of these targets could improve the efficacy of existing therapies.


Therapeutic area:


Trial details:

Latest news:

  • • On December 5, 2017, Oncodesign announced that it has obtained positive results opening the way for the MNK1 and MNK2 (MNK1/2) kinase inhibitor discovery program to move on to the lead optimization phase. This program provides a promising line of research for new therapies against a large number of cancers, including head and neck, colon, breast and bladder cancer. In the probe to lead phase, the MNK1/2 program produced positive results in a cell model expressing the relevant mechanism of action. That enabled Oncodesign to select two series of Nanocyclix molecules to commence lead optimization with a view to arriving at best-in-class drug candidates. As part of this phase, it will begin an exhaustive series of in vitro and in vivo biological tests, while in parallel conducting medicinal chemistry optimization of the inhibitor molecules already identified. The phase can take up to 36 months, and the success rate is typically around 50%. A medicinal chemistry team dedicated to the project will be set up within Oncodesign’s research teams to implement this decision.

Is general: Yes