
Clinical Trials

Date: 2011-07-29

Type of information:

phase: 2


Enrolment of the first patient


Company: MolMed (Italy)

Product: NGR-hTNF

Action mechanism:

NGR-hTNF is a vascular targeting agent with unique mode of action, and a first-in-class compound in the class of peptide/cytokine complexes able to selectively target the tumour vasculature. It consists of a tumour homing peptide (NGR) that selectively binds tumour blood vessels, fused to the human cytokine TNF. NGRhTNF is undergoing clinical development both as monotherapy and in combination therapy, in a total of seven indications.

Disease: platinum-resistant/refractory ovarian cancer

Therapeutic area: Cancer Oncology


Trial details:

Latest news:

MolMed has announced the enrolment of the first patient in a randomised Phase II trial (NGR018) of its investigational anticancer drug NGR-hTNF for the treatment of platinum-resistant/refractory ovarian cancer. The trial, expecting to enrol 100 patients, will investigate the administration of NGR-hTNF in combination with the standard of care based on pegylated liposomal doxorubicin, versus standard treatment alone. The primary end-point of the trial is the evaluation of the clinical activity in terms of progression-free survival (PFS); secondary end-points include response rate, overall survival and safety. Results of the trial are expected in 2012.

Is general: Yes