
Clinical Trials

Date: 2011-06-10

Type of information:

phase: 1-2a

Announcement: results

Company: Curevac (Germany)

Product: lung cancer vaccine CV9201

Action mechanism: mRNA Based Cancer Vaccine. CureVac´s RNActive® tumor immunotherapy approach is independent of the HLA subtype. CV9201 is one candidate in CureVac’s pipeline of RNActive®-derived molecules for the active immunotherapy of cancer. The vaccine comprises mRNA molecules encoding five different antigens of which three are cancer testis antigens.

Disease: patients with metastatic non small-cell lung carcinoma who had previously undergone chemotherapy

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology


Trial details:

Latest news: Curevac has published initial promising data at the ASCO conference on a phase I/IIa trial of its lung cancer vaccine CV9201. This tumor vaccine was used to treat patients with metastatic nonsmall-cell lung carcinoma who had previously undergone chemotherapy. Despite the extremely debilitating pretreatment of all patients with platinum-based chemotherapy, CV9201 appears to trigger a specific and relevant immune response. Preliminary data from the trial shows a signifi cant increase in germinal center B cells. This cell population suggests that memory B cells are generated with T-cell help.

Is general: Yes