
Clinical Trials

Date: 2011-03-09

Type of information: Completion of patient enrollment

phase: 2

Announcement: completion of patient enrollment

Company: Erytech Pharma (France)

Product: Ery-asp®/Graspa® (eryaspase - L-asparaginase loaded erythrocytes)

Action mechanism:

  • enzyme. Ery-asp®/Graspa® is a new formulation of L-asparaginase encapsulated inside donor-derived red blood cells through Erytech’s proprietary ERYCAPS technology platform. The enzyme degrades asparagine, an amino acid that is essential for the tumor cells to grow and multiply, which starves and eventually kills the cancer cells.


acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology

Country: France

Trial details:

Latest news:

  • Erytech Pharma has announced the early completion of the enrollment and safety follow-up a Phase II clinical trial for GRASPA®. This open-labeled trial (GRASPALL-GRAALL SA2 2008) introduced GRASPA® in a first-line treatment for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) in patients older than 55 years. The clinical end point combines safety and efficacy parameters. The trial enrolled 30 patients and involved 54 investigation centers, all being members of the “Group for Research on Adult Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia” (GRAALL). The company expects to have safety and efficacy data from this study in the third quarter of 2011.

Is general: Yes