
Clinical Trials

Date: 2011-03-31

Type of information: Results

phase: 2

Announcement: results

Company: Novartis (Switzerland)

Product: DEB025 (alisporivir)

Action mechanism:

cyclophilin inhibitor (limiting hepatitis C virus replication)


chronic hepatitis C

Therapeutic area: Infectious diseases


Trial details:

The study presented at EASL was a 48-week, global, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial in G1 treatment-naïve chronic hepatitis C patients. It evaluated the efficacy and safety of DEB025 combined with pegylated-interferon alfa 2a/ribavirin (PegIFN/RBV) vs. PegIFN/RBV alone. The primary endpoint was sustained viral response after 24 weeks (SVR24).

Latest news:

Novartis announced that a Phase II study with the first-in-class antiviral DEB025 (alisporivir) met its primary endpoint for achieving viral cure (24 weeks after stopping treatment) in 76% of patients with chronic hepatitis C. The study involved nearly 300 previously untreated patients infected with the most common form of hepatitis C virus (HCV), the genotype 1 (G1).
The data were presented today at the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) congress in Berlin, Germany. The findings show that 76% of G1 chronic hepatitis C patients treated with DEB025 plus standard of care (pegylated-interferon alfa 2a/ribavirin) achieved superior viral cure (known as sustained viral response, or SVR) compared to 55% of patients on standard of care alone (p=0.008).Treatment with DEB025 demonstrated a low incidence of adverse events, with discontinuation rates comparable between treatment groups. A pivotal L10 III study with DEB025 commenced recently to evaluate the efficacy and safety of DEB025 combined with standard of care and enrolling previously untreated HCV G1 patients. Other Phase II studies are ongoing in other patient populations i.e., G1 treatment-experienced patients and G2 and G3 treatment-naive patients.
Novartis in-licensed DEB025 from Debiopharm Group, an independent biopharmaceuticals company based in Switzerland, under an agreement which gives Novartis exclusive worldwide development, manufacturing and marketing rights (excluding Japan).

Is general: Yes