
Clinical Trials

Date: 2013-05-07

Type of information: Initiation of the trial

phase: 2

Announcement: initiation of the study

Company: Opsona Therapeutics (Ireland)

Product: OPN-305

Action mechanism:

monoclonal antibody. OPN-305 is a novel proprietary humanized IgG4 monoclonal antibody (MAb) against Toll-Like Receptor 2 (TLR2), a target within the innate immune system, and is under development as a treatment for the prevention of DGF following renal transplantation. OPN-305 has orphan status in the EU and USA for solid organ transplantation.

Disease: renal transplant patients at high risk of delayed graft function

Therapeutic area: Transplantation


Trial details:

Latest news:

* On May 7th, 2013, Opsona Therapeutics, an innate immune drug development company focused on novel therapeutic approaches to treat autoimmune and inflammatory diseases, has initiated a phase II clinical trial in renal transplant patients at high risk of delayed graft function with its lead drug candidate OPN-305.
OPN-305 has already been administered to a number of transplant patients at high risk of delayed graft function (DGF) as part of a Pilot study before initiation of this multi-centre, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel group, sequential adaptive phase II trial. This pilot clearly demonstrated that 100% receptor occupancy of TLR2 on circulating monocytes was achievable and durable for the period of ischemia/reperfusion risk. It provided evidence that there was up-regulation of TLR2 in patients and provided the range of doses to be tested versus placebo in the double-blind trial. OPN-305 was well tolerated with no related adverse events. The phase II study which is expected to enrol 278 patients is an adaptive design powered to show a 15-20% absolute benefit of OPN-305 over placebo in reducing the incidence of DGF.
Opsona has identified the prevention of DGF following renal transplantation as the first clinical indication for the development of OPN-305. Delayed Graft Function is a serious complication that can increase the risk of organ rejection in the immediate post-operative period of kidney transplants and can range from 45-60% in high risk donor kidneys. Opsona believes that OPN-305 has the potential to be first and best in class in the prevention of DGF and will also provide a novel treatment option for a much wider variety of human diseases, including acute kidney injury, transplantation of other organs, cancer, cardiovascular disease and others.

Is general: Yes