
Clinical Trials

Date: 2012-08-23

Type of information:

phase: 1-2

Announcement: initiation of patient recruitment

Company: Azellon (UK)

Product: Cell Bandage

Action mechanism: The Azellon procedure takes stem cells, harvested from the patient’s own bone marrow, grows them on a structural bio-scaffold, and two weeks later implants the newly created Cell Bandage into the patient’s knee.

Disease: knee repair

Therapeutic area: Regenerative medicine

Country: UK

Trial details: The Cell Bandage trial is a Phase I/IIa clinical study at Southmead Hospital in Bristol underthe supervision of Professor Ashley Blom. This “first in man” study for 18-45 year old volunteer patients has a primary objective of evaluating the safety of Cell Bandage in the treatment of meniscal tears. The Cell Bandage trial will run throughout the second half of this year, with preliminary results expected by the middle of 2013.

Latest news: * On August 23, 2012 Azellon has announced that recruitment had commenced for the phase I/IIa trial of its Cell Bandage for knee meniscus repair. Azellon is a spin-out from the University of Bristol’s Department of Molecular and Cellular Medicine, and is built upon the pioneering work of Professor Anthony Hollander.
The Azellon procedure takes stem cells, harvested from the patient’s own bone marrow, grows them on a structural bio-scaffold, and two weeks later implants the newly created Cell Bandage into the patient’s knee.
The Cell Bandage is designed to enable the tear to repair itself by encouraging cell growth in the affected tissue.

Is general: Yes