
Clinical Trials

Date: 2013-03-27

Type of information: Initiation of preclinical development

phase: preclinical studies


Company: Themis Bioscience (Austria)

Product: vaccines against dengue and chikungunya fever

Action mechanism:


dengue fever
chikungunya fever

Therapeutic area: Infectious diseases


Trial details:

Latest news:

* On March 27, 2013, Themis Bioscience has reported rapid progress in the development of two highly efficient vaccines against dengue and chikungunya fever. In the just concluded preclinical studies, the two vaccine candidates, based on a technology by the Parisian Pasteur Institute, displayed exceedingly good efficacy. With a single vaccination against Chikungunya it was possible to develop full vaccination protection. The Dengue fever vaccine candidate proved effective against all of the four known serotypes of this infection. On the basis of these excellent results, Themis will start the clinical phase I study for both vaccines before the end of this year. 
In addition to this, the Themis team is already developing vaccine candidates of the second generation against Dengue fever - and securing options for itself for the development of vaccines against yellow fever, Japanese encephalitis, West Nile Fever and further undisclosed targets on the basis of the Themaxyn platform.

Is general: Yes