
Clinical Trials

Date: 2013-03-25

Type of information:

phase: preclinical


Company: Argen-X (The Netherlands-Belgium)

Product: ARGX-112

Action mechanism: ARGX-112 is a novel, fully human antibody neutralizing both IL20 and IL22 signaling through blockade of their common receptor, IL22R, with low picomolar potency. IL20 and IL22 are involved in proliferation and differentiation of keratinocytes (skin cells) and when over-expressed, are implicated in autoimmune diseases of the skin, including atopic dermatitis, psoriasis and pustular psoriasis. ARGX-112 has been shown to be highly effective in several preclinical models of chronic skin inflammation.


Therapeutic area: Dermatological diseases


Trial details:

Latest news: * On March 25, 2013, arGEN-X, a clinical stage biopharmaceutical company specialized in the discovery and development of highly differentiated human monoclonal antibody therapeutics, has progressed ARGX-112, its fourth therapeutic candidate, into formal preclinical development. ARGX-112 was selected from a panel of more than 68 antagonistic anti-IL22R antibodies, several with specificity for previously unknown epitopes on the receptor, which were generated from arGEN-X’ highly productive and efficient SIMPLE Antibody™ platform. 
The initiation of formal preclinical development for ARGX-112 marks the fourth program to progress to this stage in only 40 months since the start of the Company’s operations.

Is general: Yes