
Clinical Trials

Date: 2013-03-04

Type of information:

phase: 1

Announcement: results

Company: NeuroDerm (Israel)

Product: ND0612 (levodopa and carbidopa administered through a pump patch)

Action mechanism:

Disease: Parkinson\'s disease

Therapeutic area: Neurodegenerative diseases - CNS diseases


Trial details:

Latest news:

* On March 4, 2013, NeuroDerm has announced the results of a Phase I safety and pharmacokinetic trial of ND0612, a novel drug formulation for the treatment of Parkinson\'s disease. ND0612 is a proprietary levodopa/carbidopa liquid formula administered continuously sub-cutaneously through a patch pump. It is designed to provide steady levodopa blood levels for the reduction of motor complications in Parkinson\'s disease. Results of this study support the continued development of ND0612 for the treatment of Parkinson\'s disease.
In this double-blind, placebo controlled, dose-escalation trial in young, healthy volunteers, ND0612 was shown to be safe and tolerable in all of the tested doses. Furthermore, clinically meaningful levodopa concentrations were reached and, for the first time in man, steady state levodopa concentrations were maintained in a practical manner both day and night. The full results of this study will be presented at a future scientific meeting.



Is general: Yes