
Clinical Trials

Date: 2013-02-04

Type of information: Treatment of the first patient

phase: 1

Announcement: dosing of the first patient

Company: Pfizer (USA - NY) Cytos (Switzerland)

Product: anti-IgE vaccine

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Latest news:

* On February 4, 2013, Cytos Biotechnology has been informed by Pfizer that the first patient has been dosed in a Phase 1 clinical trial with an anti-IgE vaccine, which is being developed under a license agreement between both parties. Pfizer’s anti-IgE vaccine is based on Cytos’ VLP (“virus-like-particle”) vaccine platform. Pfizer acquired world-wide exclusive rights to develop, manufacture and commercialize certain specified vaccines based on Cytos’ VLP platform in 2009. These vaccines incorporate specific disease targets, which are outside the scope of Cytos Biotechnology’s own R&D programs, and Cytos Biotechnology retains its rights to develop, manufacture and commercialize vaccines against different disease targets in the same human

Is general: Yes