
Clinical Trials

Date: 2012-12-19

Type of information:

phase: 2a

Announcement: discontinuation of the study

Company: Novo Nordisk (Denmark)

Product: anti-NKG2D (NN8555)

Action mechanism: Anti-NKG2D (NN8555 - formerly IPH 2301) is a monoclonal antibody targeting natural killer cells and certain T cells. This antibody has been developed with Innate Pharma. In 2006, Innate Pharma and Novo Nordisk have concluded an agreement to collaborate on R&D programs for a period of three years (April 2006 – March 2009). This collaboration seeked to bring new monoclonal antibodies through to pre-clinical trials for the treatment of inflammatory and autoimmune conditions, at which point Novo Nordisk A/S will have the full responsibility for regulatory pre-clinical and clinical development, and, eventually, regulatory approval.  IPH 2301 was one of these antibodies.

Disease: Crohn's disease

Therapeutic area: Autoimmune diseases - Inflammatory diseases - Digestive diseases


Trial details:

Latest news:

Novo Nordisk has announced that the company has decided to discontinue further development of anti-NKG2D (NN8555) as a treatment for Crohn’s disease following an interim futility analysis of an ongoing double-blinded, randomised, placebo-controlled phase 2a trial. The analysis performed on the basis of 74 randomised patients did not meet the pre-specified criteria for effect, and the study has therefore been discontinued. No safety concerns were identified in the trial.

Is general: Yes