
Clinical Trials

Date: 2012-11-26

Type of information:



Company: Galapagos (Belgium)

Product: new undisclosed class of antibiotics

Action mechanism: This newly discovered antibiotic works by inhibiting the target DNA pol III alpha, an enzyme present in all bacteria and essential for their growth; this target is absent in humans.  The novel mode of action - inhibition of DNA pol III alpha - may be used to explore a variety of novel antibiotics, targeting bacteria for which resistance to current antibiotics has emerged.

Disease: multiple drug-resistant (MDR) infections

Therapeutic area: Infectious diseases


Trial details:

Latest news: Galapagos has announced that it has discovered an entirely new class of antibiotics.  The Company has selected a candidate drug that shows strong activity against all tested drug resistant Staphylococcus aureus, including hospital and community acquired MRSA strains. Using this novel target, Galapagos has selected a first candidate antibiotic, CAM-1, to enter drug development.  CAM-1 was tested against more than 250 different bacterial strains and effectively killed 100% of all drug resistant Staph. aureus, including MRSA.  CAM-1 shows better efficacy than  standard antibiotics, as shown by in vivo bacterial infection models.  Galapagos aims to enter the clinic in the first quarter 2014, with a Proof of Concept study thereafter.  This novel antibiotic program, including all compounds targeting MRSA, is fully proprietary to Galapagos.

Is general: Yes