

Date: 2012-10-08

Type of information: Collaboration agreement

Compound: biologics with improved blood-brain barrier transport and imaging agents

Company: Lundbeck (Denmark) ImaginAb (USA - CA)

Therapeutic area: CNS diseases

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ImaginAb, a clinical-stage company developing in vivo molecular imaging agents based on antibody fragment technology, has entered into a collaboration and commercialization agreement with Lundbeck. Under the terms of the agreement, ImaginAb and Lundbeck will collaborate around a novel central nervous system (CNS) target in order to explore the use of re-engineered antibodies to accelerate the blood-brain barrier (BBB) transport of biologics. Under the terms of the agreement, the parties will collaborate to concurrently develop biologics with improved BBB transport and imaging agents that are capable of quantitating kinetics and targeting efficacy. The agreement also includes an option for Lundbeck to commercialize the results of the collaboration for both diagnostic and therapeutic uses.

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Is general: Yes