Date: 2012-10-03
Type of information: R&D agreement
Compound: dermatological treatment solutions
Company: Leo Pharma (Denmark) Charité (Germany)
Therapeutic area: Autoimmune diseases - Dermatological diseases
Type agreement: R&D
Action mechanism:
Disease: psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, actinic keratosis, new undisclosed therapeutic areas for LEO Pharma
Details: LEO Pharma has announced plans to establish five long-term, strategic research collaborations from now until the end of 2013 in Australia, France, Germany and the US. The research will supplement LEO Pharma’s internal R&D activities. The ambitious initiative aims to deliver new treatment options to dermatology patients – faster than ever before. The first in the series of collaborations to be announced is with Charité, one of Europe’s oldest and largest university hospitals.
Each collaboration will integrate discovery research and exploratory clinical trials. The unique approach will enable LEO Pharma to explore more dermatological treatment solutions at record speed – reducing the time it takes to deliver new therapeutic options. The scope of the scientific collaboration strategy covers skin conditions in which LEO Pharma is already active, such as psoriasis, atopic dermatitis and actinic keratosis, as well as new therapeutic areas for LEO Pharma.
The first in the series of collaborations to be announced is with Charité, one of Europe’s oldest and largest university hospitals. LEO Pharma will establish a joint institute called I2DEAL, the International Institute of Dermatology and Allergy, with Charité, one of Europe’s oldest and largest university hospitals. Here, experts will conduct early exploratory clinical trials and explore the underlying mechanisms of disease in allergic and itchy skin conditions.
Financial terms:
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