

Date: 2012-09-26

Type of information: Development agreement

Compound: ADC3680

Company: Pulmagen Therapeutics (UK) Teijin (Japan)

Therapeutic area: Respiratory diseases - Inflammatory diseases - Allergic diseases

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

ADC3680 acts by a novel anti-inflammatory mechanism that inhibits the binding of a key inflammatory mediator, PGD2, to its receptor, CRTh2. When bound to CRTh2, PGD2 activates inflammatory cells in the airway and exacerbates pulmonary inflammation. By antagonizing binding, ADC3680 helps to reduce pulmonary inflammation and thus improve overall asthma control.

Disease: asthma


Teijin Pharma, the core company of the Teijin Group\'s healthcare business, and Pulmagen Therapeutics, a UK-based drug development company, have announced an exclusive licensing agreement granting Teijin Pharma the rights to develop, manufacture and market ADC3680, a bronchial asthma therapeutic discovered by Pulmagen Therapeutics, in Japan. Teijin Pharma, which hopes to strengthen its commitment to improving the quality of life for patients by adding the new drug to its portfolio, aims to begin Phase I clinical trials for ADC3680 in Japan in its next fiscal year starting in April 2013. Pulmagen Therapeutics has already commenced Phase II clinical trials for the drug in the UK and will soon embark on a global Phase II efficacy study.

Financial terms:

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