

Date: 2012-09-27

Type of information: R&D agreement

Compound: monoclonal antibodies

Company: MAB Discovery (Germany) undisclosed top 20 pharmaceutical company

Therapeutic area: undisclosed

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

Disease: undisclosed


MAB Discovery, a provider of  therapeutic monoclonal antibodies, has initiated a research collaboration with a  top 20 pharmaceutical company. Employing its unique discovery platform, MAB Discovery will deliver a number of monoclonal antibodies to partner selected targets. The company employs natural immunization of wild type animals (rabbits and rats), followed by fully automated state of the art single B cell cloning and PCR methods to discover high affinity monoclonals covering extensive epitope space. Large and diverse panels of antibodies are created from B cells isolated at various times post immunization.The power of the MAB Discovery platform resides in the vast number of high quality monoclonals from which to choose candidates with desired specificity and functionality. In the case of rabbits, which have been well recognized over the years as excellent sources of high quality antibodies to virtually any antigen, the derived monoclonals are of extreme high affinity (<1nM), obviating the need for time-consuming affinity maturation campaigns with uncertain outcomes. Applications for the MAB Discovery platform range from discovery of monoclonals to novel and difficult targets (eg, GPCRs, ion channels), to finding agents suitable for ADC strategies, to making \"biobetters\", etc.

Financial terms:

Financial terms were not disclosed.

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Is general: Yes