

Date: 2012-09-28

Type of information: Services contract

Compound: somatoprim (DG3173 - somatostatin analogue)

Company: Evotec (Germany) Aspireo Pharmaceuticals (Israel)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology - Ophtalmological diseases - Rare diseases

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

Somatoprim (DG3173) is a novel and proprietary somatostatin analogue (SSA) that is based on a novel amino acid composition and a unique backbone cyclisation technology used for stabilisation of the peptide. During extensive pre-clinical testing, Somatoprim has demonstrated a unique receptor binding and pharmacological profile which is significantly differentiated from SSAs that are currently marketed or in clinical development. In particular, Somatoprim has demonstrated an improved side effect profile with reduced adverse effects on the gastrointestinal tract and metabolic control. Furthermore, assessment of growth hormone secretion in cultured human somatotroph adenoma tissue treated with Somatoprim indicates that it has the potential to significantly increase the response rate of acromegalic patients to SSA therapy. Somatoprim is currently in phase I of clinical development with a phase Ib study currently underway.

Disease: acromegaly, carcinoid tumours, Cushing’s disease, diabetic retinopathy


Evotec AG and Aspireo Pharmaceuticals, an Israeli biopharmaceutical company focused on the development of a novel somatostatin analogue (SSA), have entered into a strategic advisory agreement for support in the development and partnering of Aspireo’s Somatoprim. Under the terms of the agreement, Evotec will provide Aspireo with strategic and operational advice on the partnering of Somatoprim. In addition, Evotec will consult Aspireo on matters of clinical and pre-clinical development. In return for such services, Evotec will retain advisory fees as well as participate in the economic success of Somatoprim. Somatoprim is currently in phase I of clinical development with a phase Ib study currently underway.

Financial terms:

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Is general: Yes