

Date: 2012-08-16

Type of information: Production agreement

Compound: undisclosed monoclonal antibody, which is highly selective for a validated cell surface target on hematological cancer cells, linked to the alpha-particle emitter thorium-227 (Th-227)

Company: Algeta (Norway) Cobra Biologics (UK -Sweden)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology

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Disease: hematological cancers


Algeta, a company focused on the development of novel targeted cancer therapeutics, has initiated a new research and development program aimed at investigating the effect of a novel Targeted Thorium Conjugate (TTC) on hematological cancers. The program will focus on the development of an undisclosed monoclonal antibody, which is highly selective for a validated cell surface target on hematological cancer cells, linked to the alpha-particle emitter thorium-227 (Th-227). 
This new program represents Algeta\'s fourth TTC program and as part of the project the Company has entered into a fee-for-service agreement with Cobra Biologics, a cGMP Contract Manufacturing Organisation of biologics, which will manufacture the antibody in its GMP-approved facility in Södertälje, Sweden. Algeta has already demonstrated it can chelate Th-227 to this antibody in exploratory studies.

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Is general: Yes