

Date: 2012-08-14

Type of information: Production agreement

Compound: viral based bioengineered vaccines and other live viral products

Company: Ark Therapeutics (UK) EMD Millipore Corporation (USA - Germany)

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Ark Therapeutics has signed a non-binding letter of intent with EMD Millipore Corporation, a division of Merck KGaA,  to enter into a collaborative agreement in the field of viral based bioengineered vaccines and other live viral products manufacturing. Key elements of the collaboration focus on production optimization of viral based bioengineered vaccines and other live viral products for pilot and production scale and the installation of these processes at Ark\'s GMP manufacturing facility in Kuopio, Finland.
Additionally, the parties plan to establish a GMP BSL-2 suite in the Kuopio facility equipped with EMD Millipore process technology to enable Ark\'s wider routine use of EMD Millipore process technology in its manufacturing services business.

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Is general: Yes