

Date: 2012-07-25

Type of information: Services contract

Compound: TIQUAS (Targeted In-depth QUAntification of cell Signaling - proteomics services for identification of novel targets for drug discovery and biomarkers for diagnostics)

Company: Biofocus, a Galapagos Company (UK - Belgium) Activiomics (UK)

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BioFocus and Activiomics have announced a strategic alliance which will allow BioFocus to offer its customers Activiomics’ proteomics services to improve identification of novel targets for drug discovery and biomarkers for diagnostics. Activiomics’ proprietary technology, TIQUAS (Targeted In-depth QUAntification of cell Signaling), provides valuable insights into which proteins or pathways have been activated following a cell signaling event, information that is generally not accessible using conventional expression analysis. This has application in a range of therapeutic areas including oncology, inflammation and metabolic disease.
TIQUAS makes use of sophisticated mass spectroscopy-based techniques to detect and quantify thousands of phosphorylation sites from a cell/tissue extract. This provides clues as to which proteins or pathways are activated, since change in phosphorylation status is indicative of a change in protein activity. The output from this platform is analyzed using a range of proprietary bioinformatics tools.

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Is general: Yes