

Date: 2012-07-17

Type of information: R&D agreement

Compound: compound screening to identify and optimise new and more effective anti-cancer compounds

Company: 4SC AG (Germany) Crelux (Germany) Ribological (Germany)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology

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Action mechanism:

Disease: various cancers


The biopharmaceutical company 4SC AG has announced that its subsidiary 4SC Discovery GmbH, which specialises in the discovery and early-stage research of novel therapeutic compounds, has agreed a research collaboration with Ribological GmbH, that develops pharmacologically optimised, RNA-based drugs for targeted immunotherapy for cancer. The aim of the research project is to identify and optimise new and more effective anti-cancer compounds.
4SC Discovery and Crelux GmbH, its strategic partner for services in the field of biopharmaceutical early-stage research, have been commissioned by Ribological to implement a hit finding programme to identify and optimise potential new small molecule compounds that are expected to have a synergistic effect with the RNA molecules used by Ribological in cancer immunotherapy. Ribological intends to carry out preclinical testing of the compounds and, if successful, develop these further in clinical trials in combination with its RNA-based drugs.
In detail, 4SC Discovery is using its patented IT-aided in silico screening process to perform calculations of the properties of several million substances with the goal of identifying the best possible drug candidates. This is intended to accelerate the development process for early-stage compound research and achieve greater cost efficiency than conventional approaches. Crelux, 4SC Discovery\'s research partner that specialises in research services in the field of proteins, especially protein production and crystallisation, is performing the associated molecular-biological tests for optimising the compounds in INTRACT-MST assays.
The partnership will generate revenue that could reach the low six-figure euro range for each 4SC Discovery and Crelux.

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