

Date: 2012-07-10

Type of information: Collaboration agreement

Compound: digital diabetes self-management program

Company: Boehringer Ingelheim (Germany) Healthrageous (USA)

Therapeutic area: Metabolic diseases

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

Disease: type 2 diabetes


Boehringer Ingelheim has initiated a new collaboration with the digital health management company Healthrageous on a digital diabetes self-management program. Both companies will evaluate in a pilot study a lifestyle behavior modification program to improve the health status of people with diabetes Type 2.
Study participants will experience a digital technology intervention combining digital coaching and a wireless glucose meter transmitting data to clinical monitors. The Internet-based tool will allow an evaluation of the intervention on changes in lifestyle behaviors, glucose control, additional medical parameters and medication adherence.
The goal of the new diabetes program is to leverage technology in a way that makes the personalized journey of self-managing diabetes easier and more effective. During the collaboration, in a first phase 200 adults in the U.S.  diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes for at least six months will have access to Healthrageous’ digital diabetes self-management program. The web and smartphone delivered program will include a personalized action plan with health behavior improvement goals, biometric feedback to demonstrate goal achievement and milestones, digital coach interaction, recognition and incentives for progress, supply and strip refill ordering, medication reminders, and social networking support. If the results show the expected benefits, the program will be expanded to encompass up to one thousand patients in different countries.

Financial terms:

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Is general: Yes