

Date: 2012-07-05

Type of information: Distribution agreement

Compound: orphan drugs

Company: Medunik (Canada) Orphan Europe, part of Recordati Group (Italy)

Therapeutic area: Rare diseass

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

Disease: acute hepatic porphyria, patent ductus arteriosus, vitamin E deficiency in chronic cholestasis


Medunik Canada, an orphan drug company dedicated to helping Canadians with rare diseases access therapies currently unavailable in Canada, has signed an exclusive distribution agreement with Orphan Europe Recordati Group. Under this agreement, Medunik Canada receives the exclusive Canadian rights to market and distribute four important therapies in the following medical conditions: (1) acute hepatic porphyria, (2) hyperammonaema due to N-acetylglutamate synthase (NAGS) deficiency or one of three organic acidurias (isovaleric, methylmalonic or propionic), (3) patent ductus arteriosus and (4) vitamin E deficiency in chronic cholestasis.

Financial terms:

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Is general: Yes