

Date: 2012-05-08

Type of information: R&D agreement

Compound: genetic tests in cardiovascular, metabolic and neurological diseases

Company: Multiplicom (Belgium) ICAN (France) ICM (France)

Therapeutic area: Cardiovascular diseases - Metabolic diseases - Neurological diseases

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

Disease: cardiovascular, metabolic (diabetes...) and neurological diseases


Multiplicom, a Belgian diagnostics company, specialized in the design, development, production, and commercialization of innovative molecular genetic tests based on massive parallel sequencing, has established research collaborations with two French two Hospital-University Institutes (IHU), ICAN and ICM,  focused on development of genetic tests in cardiovascular, metabolic and neurological diseases
The partners will  jointly develop a new generation of molecular diagnostic tests to identify disease predisposition mutations in cardiovascular, metabolic and neurological diseases.  Multiplicom’s expertise in the development of massive parallel sequencing based molecular diagnostics in combination with the disease specific knowledge and the availability of well documented samples at ICAN and ICM will lead to the development of innovative diagnostic tests that will help patients and their doctors to prevent and/or cure disease in an early stage.

Multiplicom will be responsible for the commercialization of the resulting products.  As a first project an early onset diabetes test will be developed, with additional projects following shortly thereafter.

Financial terms:

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Is general: Yes