

Date: 2012-04-26

Type of information: Clinical research agreement

Compound: Amep® (targeted biotherapy)

Company: BioAlliance Pharma (France) Herlev Hospital of Copenhagen (Denmark)

Therapeutic area:

Type agreement:

clinical research

Action mechanism:

AMEP®s biotherapy targets specific receptors (integrins) involved in tumor growth and in tumor angiogenesis.



BioAlliance Pharma and the Herlev Hospital of Copenhagen have  signed a partnership agreement to conduct a complementary phase I clinical trial with Amep® in Denmark. This trial, currently under evaluation by the Danish Medicines Agency, aims at evaluating the safety and the efficacy of the Amep® biotherapy in patients with different types of metastatic solid tumors. It will be conducted by Dr Julie Gehl, Oncologist, Clinical Associate Research Professor at University of Copenhagen, who was already actively involved in the first phase I trial via local route, and thus reinforces the development plan of this asset.
The french company has also received the validation of its application for a phase I/II trial clinical with Amep® in metastatic melanoma.

Financial terms:

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Is general: Yes