

Date: 2012-01-18

Type of information: R&D agreement

Compound: new molecular targets and new biomarkers

Company: Roche (Switzerland) IHU ICAN (France) Inserm Transfert (France)

Therapeutic area: Metabolic diseases

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

Disease: type 2 diabetes


The Roche Institute of Research and Translational Medicine and the Institute of Cardiology-metabolism and Nutrition (ICAN IHU) have signed a public-private partnership aimed at better understanding the mechanisms of emergence and regression of type 2 diabetes in obese patients having bariatric surgery. The partnership aims to derive potential pathways, targets and biomarkers for diabetes.
Collaboration between Roche teams and the CAN has started early 2012, for an initial period of three years. The IHU ICAN has established a cohort called \"Bariatric Surgery Registry. These informations have been collected by the Nutriomics team of ICAN and includes a biobank of blood samples, serum and tissues (intestine, liver and various types of adipose tissue) collected from obese patients during a surgical procedure. This cohort provides information on several subgroups of obese patients (diabetic remission after surgery, without diabetic remission, non-diabetic etc ...).
Roche gets an access to IHU ICAN’s database and sample collection and the partners will explore differences between responders (=diabetes remission) and non-responders in gene expression profile (e.g. intestine, liver obtained at the time of bariatric surgery) and secreted factors (e.g. adipokines).

Financial terms:

€ 1 million

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Is general: Yes