

Date: 2012-03-29

Type of information: R&D agreement


Company: Sanofi (France) Aviesan (France) Inserm Transfert (France) Institut Claudius Regaud (France)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology

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Action mechanism:

Disease: various undisclosed cancers


Sanofi, Aviesan, Inserm Transfert and Institut Claudius Regaud have concluded an R&D agreement in oncology. The agreement focuses on advancing knowledge about the tumor microenvironment and the identification of novel drug targets and innovative treatments tailored to patients. The agreement has been concluded for three years. Teams of Early to Candidate (E2C) unit of Sanofi and the Institut Claudius Regaud will work together on several complementary research approaches targeting the tumor microenvironment and mechanisms involved in cancer, such as angiogenesis, modulation of the immune response and plasticity of mesenchymal cells and macrophages, and the extracellular matrix integrity.

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Is general: Yes