

Date: 2012-03-30

Type of information: R&D agreement

Compound: biomarkers - molecular companion diagnostic test to help identify patients most likely to respond to a novel Sanofi investigational agent

Company: HTG Molecular Diagnostics (USA) Sanofi (France)

Therapeutic area: undisclosed

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

Disease: undisclosed


HTG Molecular Diagnostics has established a collaborative program with Sanofi US to identify biomarkers that may lead to the development of a molecular companion diagnostic test to help identify patients most likely to respond to a novel Sanofi investigational agent. HTG Molecular Diagnostics’ qNPA technology measures mRNA and/or miRNA expression in formalin fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) tumor samples, allowing clinicians to verify the presence of certain biomarkers relevant to patient selection and therapy.

Financial terms:

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Is general: Yes