

Date: 2011-08-11

Type of information:

Compound: cartilage cell transplants

Company: co.don AG (Germany) Asklepios Group (Germany)

Therapeutic area: Rheumatic diseases - Bone diseases

Type agreement: Manufacturing

Action mechanism:

Disease: regenerative treatment of damaged cartilage

Details: co.don AG is to provide the Asklepios Group with cartilage cell transplants from its laboratories in Teltow from July 2011. The company's German distribution partner, ORMED GmbH, was able to sign a corresponding framework agreement. This will enable patients at the Asklepios Clinics throughout Germany to be treated with the cell-based biological drug ARTROCELL 3D® / co.don chondrosphere®. The product is to be used for the regenerative treatment of damaged cartilage, in knee joints for instance.
The product ARTROCELL 3D® / co.don chondrosphere® is manufactured 100 per cent autologously, i.e. from the patient's own cells using their own serum. No genetic manipulation is applied to breed or grow these cells and no external substances such as antibiotics or antifungal agents are used.

Financial terms:

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Is general: Yes