

Date: 2012-03-02

Type of information: Joint-venture agreement

Compound: vaccines

Company: GSK (UK) Daiichi Sankyo (Japan)

Therapeutic area: Infectious diseases

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:



GSK and Daiichi Sankyo have entered into strategic alliance to establish a vaccine joint venture in Japan. GSK Biologicals, GSK Japan and Daiichi Sankyo will form a this vaccine joint venture that will  be named JapanVaccine Co., Ltd. (hereinafter, JV)
The new company will combine the strength of both partners, namely GSK, with its extensive global development know-how, rich pipeline, most advanced technology and recent contributions to the Japanese vaccine market environment, coupled with Daiichi Sankyo’s development know-how in Japan, domestic production capability, and the domestic experience of sales and logistics, to meet the medical needs of society by delivering vaccines quickly.
JV will be responsible for late stage development, marketing and sales of prophylactic vaccines and will aim to protect Japanese people of all ages from children to the elderly from infections.
JV will inherit the development and commercial rights for prophylactic vaccines from both parent companies and will be responsible for clinical development, marketing and sales in Japan. At start up, JV will market vaccines marketed by GSK and Daiichi Sankyo (Cervarix, Rotarix?Seasonal flu vaccine, , mumps vaccine, DTP vaccine, MR vaccine etc.) and expand the business as new vaccines in the development pipeline are approved.
Japan Vaccine Co., Ltd. will start operations in July with about 200 employes (120 M Reps).

Financial terms:

GSK and Daiichi Sankyo will invest equally to JV. There will be a minimal total cash investment of 100 million Yen (approximately £800,000 - €946,000) split equally between the two companies to cover the start JV capital 100 million yen.

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Is general: Yes